Listening Session update
NOTE: In Person sessions have been cancelled for now!
As announced previously, we will have parish listening sessions over the next few months. The sessions will address these four questions:
1. How have you been through this pandemic?
2. How is your faith life?
3. How can we keep you engaged?
4. How do we build up our parish in a pandemic under the current restrictions?
The sessions will have no more than 14 participants and will take place via Zoom and in person. A designated host will assist in taking notes. Sign-up will take place through the Sign-up Genius on our website or by contacting the Parish Office. The available dates will be listed on the link for sign-up. There are currently plans for 20 sessions, 5 will be in-person and 15 on Zoom. The first session will be on Zoom on Wednesday, October 28th at 7:00 pm. If you choose the Zoom option, your email address will be needed so that we might send you the link for the session. More sessions will be added if needed. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Fr. Bob