Parish School of Religion


In our Parish School of Religion Program, we meet students where they are in their faith journey and bring them closer to Christ through education and faith formation on a weekly basis. PSR classes focus on the message of Jesus, knowledge of scripture and sacraments all experienced within a community of faith with opportunities to pray, worship and do service for others. Through the dedication of our catechists, we are committed to bringing Christ alive to all the children in PSR.

Our program partners with parents in strengthening Catholic identity through regular religious instruction and participation in the Catholic community of faith. The curriculum is designed to spiral from one year to the next with the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist celebrated in the second grade and a separate parish wide program for Confirmation beginning in seventh grade.

PSR classes are offered on Tuesday evenings, from 6:45 – 8:00 p.m. for students who attend public/non-Catholic schools.

PSR Scholarship Fund

The PSR Scholarship Fund has been established to assist PSR families who need financial assistance with their PSR tuition. Parent(s) wishing to be considered for a scholarship must complete a PSR Financial Assistance Form for the current year and submit it to the CRE for approval.

Donations to the PSR Scholarship Fund may be made in honor of or in memory of an individual as well as general contributions. This is a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone who has made a difference in helping your family grow in faith.

Donations may be made by check or cash or through the electronic giving site found on the main page of the parish website.  Go to the online giving tab and log in or create an account. When setting up a new donation, look for the “PSR Scholarship” choice in the designations for donations. To designate an honorarium or memorial donation, please include information on the memo field or if mailing a check, please include a note. All donations are tax deductible.

Donna Eisenbath        
314-739-0230 x108

Julie Spinner                   
314-739-0230 x102