Through my Adoration, Lord, may I know You and love You more.


Through my Community, may I recognize we are all one in You.

Through my Theology, may I grow in my knowledge and understanding of You.

Through my Service, may I give of myself freely in Your name, O Lord.


ACTS Community Calendar



Upcoming Holy Spirit ACTS Retreats

WOMEN'S ~June 12 - 15


Please pray for these directors and teams during their weeks of formation.



Shannon Purvis              Angie Breakfield              Lisa Ahern               Lisa Kelly
Ann Allman
Peggie Barnum
Bev Brown
Gail Cunningham
Nancy Davis
Kristen Doering
Kathy Farrar
Barb Georges
Brenda Hass
Peggy Henderson
Sue Hercules
Cathleen Leick
Micki Melton
Jeanne Moran
Deb Murphy
Jill Niedringhaus
Debbie Paul
Denise Portman
Elena Romero
Sharon Silver
Kathryn Snodgrass
Jo Vortmeier
Jackie Woodard
Ronnie Yashuk






the Prayer Board
Please sign up for a time or two or three!
Thank you!

Love Letter Announcement

If you do not live in the vicinity of Holy Spirit Parish, but still would like to send love letters to any retreatant or team member, feel free to email them to and they will be printed and delivered. Just have them emailed by the Wednesday of the retreat week.



Facilitator Amy Grothoff
Co-Facilitator Mike Hachmeister
Manual Mike Schnable
Communication Jeanne Kielhofner / Nikki Marler
Finance Coordinator Marisol Sarmiento
Retreat Support Coordinators Jill Niedringhaus / Pat Martin
Event Coordination & Follow On Michelle Keating
Retreat Supply Coordinator Rick Cwikloski
At Large Mission Report Rotating

Please continue to keep your Core Team in your prayers as they
keep the Spirit of ACTS in all they do.

Questions?; Comment?  Suggestions?
Contact Holy Spirit ACTS: