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    2nd Collection ~ Oct. 16: Hurricane Victims

    Posted on October 10, 2022 in: General News

    2nd Collection ~ Oct. 16: Hurricane Victims

    The Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski has requested from all the parishes within the Archdiocese to participate in a Second Collection this Sunday, Oct. 16th, to provide immediate and long-term aid to those recovering from Hurricane Ian & Hurricane Fiona in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and S.E. Florida. These funds will be used to support the efforts of Catholic Charities USA and/or Catholic Relief Services.  
    We will join other dioceses across the country in this response for support to help with water, food, shelter, and sanitation, along with long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts.
    The Archbishop asks for prayers for our brothers and sisters who have suffered as a result and must now rebuild their lives, their homes, their cities, and their churches.  May the Lord carry all those who are suffering in the aftermath of these diasters.
    (Please make checks payable to Holy Spirit Parish and note in your 'memo line' - "Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund")