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    Reverse Advent Calendar

    Posted on December 09, 2020 in: General News

    Reverse Advent Calendar

    Reverse Advent Calendar 2020


    Each day add an item to a box.
    Say a prayer for those in need.
    Thank God for all your blessings too.

    When you have completed this, donate the box to HandS at the Resource Center
    or in the HandS bins in the Gathering Space.

    Thank you!

    You can begin on the first day of Advent (November 29 - Dec. 22 or Dec. 1-24)

    Day 1           box of cereal

    Day 2           jar of peanut butter (no glass please)

    Day 3           box of stuffing mix

    Day 4           boxed potatoes

    Day 5           macaroni and cheese       

    Day 6           canned fruit

    Day 7           canned tomatoes

    Day 8           canned tuna or chicken

    Day 9           dessert mix

    Day 10          jar of applesauce (no glass please)

    Day 11          canned sweet potatoes

    Day 12          cranberry sauce

    Day 13          canned beans

    Day 14          box of crackers

    Day 15          package of rice

    Day 16          oatmeal

    Day 17          package of pasta noodles

    Day 18          spaghetti sauce (no glass please)

    Day 19          chicken noodle or tomato soup

    Day 20          stew or another canned meat

    Day 21          can vegetables

    Day 22          box of pudding or jello

    Day 23          canned potatoes

    Day 24          a special treat - your choice