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    You're Invited!

    Posted on October 29, 2019 in: General News

    Dear Holy Spirit Parish Family,

    You are invited to join us for the Confirmation Mass with Vicar General Monsignor Stehly, 7 p.m., Monday, November. 4. Confirmation is the final Sacrament of Initiation and is something to be celebrated by a community. Please plan to join us to welcome and to celebrate our young people as they enter into full initiation in the Catholic faith.  Let’s fill the church with joy!


    Please pray for our Confirmation candidates by name:

    Krysta A.
    Michael B.
    Lucas B.
    Cameron B.
    Anthony G.
    Kathryn H.
    Anna H.
    Cameron J.
    Emma J.
    Maryn K.
    Sophia K.
    Timothy K.
    Paige K.
    Kathryn L.
    Allison M.
    Adam M.
    Tyler M.
    Tyler P.
    John O.
    Ella S.
    Brennan S.
    Eric S.
    Michael W.
    Aeriana W.
    Dakota W.