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    Catechetical Sunday -- September 20

    Posted on September 16, 2020 in: General News

    Catechetical Sunday -- September 20

    Today the Church in the United States celebrates Catechetical Sunday, an opportunity to recognize, thank and commission those who have committed themselves to hand on the treasure of our Catholic faith to others. Parents who teach the faith in their homes, along with the priests, deacons, religious and lay women and men who teach the faith in parish religious education programs all do so in the name of the Church and with a spirit of great generosity and love. Truly, we are blessed by the talent and willing service of so many dedicated members of God's people.

    Those who are catechists seek to help our children, young people and adults as well encounter the living Christ in the midst of His Church, in the intimacy of prayer and worship, in the power of His Word recorded in the Sacred Scriptures and in a life of loving service to God and neighbor.

    We want to express our gratitude for the many hours of time and effort which our catechists have spent aiding others to encounter the Lord Jesus and so be drawn into a vital and intimate relationship with Him. We pray that, together with our catechists, all of us will come to an ever deeper knowledge and love of Christ, who lives forever and who invites each of us to share in His life. We recognize and ask God’s blessings on all those who serve as catechists in our parish.

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