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    Fr. Bob's December 20 Column

    Posted on December 22, 2020 in: General News

    Dear Friends,

    Grace and peace to you!

    A Blessed and Merry Christmas to everyone and to your families, far and near!  May you know the joy of Jesus’ presence today and always.  May his peace reign forever!

    As we celebrate the birth of our Lord, I cannot help but to look back at this past year in the midst of all that we have been through individually, as a community, as a nation, as a world, and see that his gift is being lived out every day.  I look around our parish community and I see people taking care of one another, looking out for one another, and living the hope he gives in the promise of eternal life.  Even with the challenges ahead, I am hopeful because of our Lord’s love for all of us and the love you all show to one another.

    As I have stated many times, I miss all of you and look forward to the day that we can celebrate and worship together.  Until then and always, I remember you in my daily prayers and at Mass.  Please continue to pray for me.  I thank God for all of you!

    In whatever way you celebrate Christmas this year and wherever you might be, may God bless you and keep you safe!  Merry Christmas!


    Father Bob


    P.S.  Thanks to all who have let us know about your plans to attend Christmas Mass in person. By letting us know it helps us determine if we need to open the Parish Hall for overflow. Please email your plans of Mass time and number planning to attend, to or by calling the Parish Office.