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    Fr. Bob's December 27 Column

    Posted on December 22, 2020 in: Pastor's Thoughts

    Dear Friends,

    Grace and peace to you!

    As we come to the conclusion of 2020, Father Jerry and I would like to wish everyone a very blessed and happy New Year.  May your year be filled with many of God’s blessings!

    2020 has been an extraordinary year to say the least. While we have all experienced unforeseen challenges and loss, it has also been a year of abundant grace.  The grace of God has been evident in so many ways in our parish community of Holy Spirit. Thank you for allowing God to work through you as we live out the mystery of his love each day.

    Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support.  Thanks for making our parish an incredibly special place. You are in my daily prayers!

    May God bless and keep you today and always!


    Father Bob