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    Faith In Action

    Posted on August 10, 2021 in: General News

    Faith in Action Update

    Thank you to all the volunteers who have participated in Faith in Action since 2006 - over the past 15 years! Over 200 volunteers have been involved and many parishioners have been supported through rides to Mass; rides to dr. appointments; minor home repairs; visits or phone calls; yardwork; light housekeeping; non-medical assistance; meals after surgery or new babies or other health crises; or prayers sent out on the prayer chain. You have truly been the hands and feet of Christ.

    As we look to the future (and as I retire), we are making some changes to this ministry. In order to meet those requests that seem to be the highest needs, we are focusing on the following ways we assist parishioners:

    Prayer requests

    Yard Work

    Minor Home Repair

    Emergency Meals

    Rides to Mass or Rides to Dr. Appointments

    Beginning on July 1st, we are streamlining the procedures. Please contact the Parish Office 314-739-0230 or email to make requests for assistance or to volunteer to help. We can always use more help! A volunteer coordinator will be in contact with the appropriate group of volunteers to fill requests or to contact new volunteers. Please remember that it takes about a week or so to fill requests, we need time to contact volunteers and get responses. Additionally, the office is not open on the weekend so there is no one available to take requests. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office.

    Thanks again for all that you do to be Christ to one another! 

    Sharon Kaufman